Rocket Wagon Venture Studios Announces the Addition of Rajiv Lal to the Board

Harvard Business School Professor adds additional dimension and depth to the team

Chicago, IL – February 19th, 2019: Rocket Wagon Venture Studios is pleased to announce the addition of Rajiv Lal to the Board. Lal is the Stanley Roth, Sr. Professor of Retailing at Harvard Business School. He is currently teaching the course on the Business of Smart Connected Products/IOT and has been active in the Internet of Things at Harvard as the market has steadily evolved.

“I am pleased to be joining the Board at Rocket Wagon Venture Studios,” Lal said. “The venture studio model is growing in momentum, with good reason. The RWVS approach regarding IoT is extremely compelling and should be quite interesting to corporations looking for access to innovation as we progress into an increasingly cyber-physical world.”

Lal will be taking the final seat on the Board.

“We have been working on the development and subsequent launch of Rocket Wagon Venture Studios for the past year,” said Don DeLoach, CEO of RWVS. “We want this to become the gold standard for producing IoT companies. In doing so, we were determined to attract the strongest board possible, with a keen eye on representation from a variety of different viewpoints, from product to venture investing, and human capital to entrepreneurial development and corporate innovation. We are all delighted to have Rajiv join us and look forward to all working together on this journey.”

Rocket Wagon Venture Studios is based in Chicago but will be establishing vertically aligned IoT studios in other cities. “Chicago has been a key city in the advancement of IoT,” said Brenna Berman, Executive Director of City Tech Collaborative and fellow Board member of RWVS. “It is a great place to launch this effort, but we already have efforts underway in other cities and a number of vertical focus areas. We are ambitious yet confident in our approach, both from a geographic and vertical perspective. Having worked with Rajiv as a guest lecturer for his classes at Harvard in the past, I am extremely happy to see him join our Board and look forward to working together with him and the rest of the team.”

About Rocket Wagon Venture Studios

Rocket Wagon Venture Studios (RWVS) will be creating Internet of Things companies. The model will be a parent company providing shared services for a number of either vertically aligned IoT studios or studios focused on the interests of a single captive corporate investor wanting a studio as their skunkworks operation for a line of sight into innovation.

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